Marcus Belgrave
Marcus Belgrave

Detroit Jazz Musicians Co-Op Inc.
20707 Lee Court
Grosse Pointe, MI 48236-9998






Photos Around & About

Guardian Award at the 2009 Detroit Jazz Festival

Hank Jones with Marcus and Joan at the 2009 Detroit Jazz Festival
Hank Jones (l) Marcus Belgrave (c) Joan Belgrave (r)
Detroit News photo - 2009 Ricardo Thomas

Armstrong Park

In New Orleans
New Orleans, April, 2007
Full size promotional photo (right click and choose "save target as...") 1.25 mb

Cheek to Cheek

Marcus and Joan singing "Cheek to Cheek"
Joan and Marcus Singing Louis & Ella's Cheek to Cheek.
Larger image (right click and choose "save target as...") 265k


Marcus Belgrave's Jazz Master Laureate Award Photos

Marcus receiving his official signed declaration from the City of Detroit,
being presented by councilwoman JoAnn Watson on 8/14/08
at the Charles Wright Museum of African American History.
The ceremony was televised on Detroit Public T.V. Channel 10.

At the Wright Museum Jazz Master Laureate Marcus Belgrave

At the Wright museum

At the Wright Museum

John Conyers Photos

Marcus with Congressman John Conyers
Marcus Belgrave & Congressman John Conyers -
Mother's Day Concert Bert's Eastern Market -Detroit 2009

Mother's Day - Charlie Gabriel, John Conyers, Marion Hayden, Marcus and Joan

l-r Charlie Gabriel Congressman John Conyers, Marion Hayden, Marcus Belgrave, Joan Belgrave
Mother's Day Concert Bert's Eastern Market - Detroit 2009

Marcus and Joan Belgrave with Stevie Wonder
Marcus and Joan Belgrave with Stevie Wonder

Joan and Marcus Belgrave with Jason Marsalis
Joan and Marcus Belgrave with Jason Marsalis

Marcus and Joan with Gerald Wilson
Marcus and Joan Belgrave with Gerald Wilson

Joan and Marcus Belgrave in New Orleans
Joan and Marcus Belgrave in New Orleans at Irvin Mayfield's Playhouse